Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holding the Space for a New Year

One thing about intuition that is super important to remember is that it takes time sitting and being to find it. I know I have said this time and time again, but you can't expect yourself to hear your inner voice when you are always busy and on the go. Yes, some people have magic intuitive powers that exist without time and energy focused on them, but for the rest of us, it take time and cultivating and nurturing to hear our inner voice.

So, I know this time of year we are all thinking about the year that we are leaving and the awesome new year that we are opening to and we make resolutions or commitments to ourselves for the upcoming year. In this year, especially the year 2012 with the Mayan calendar coming to an end and the new energy and world emerging, it seems timely to commit to spending time with your inner voice so that you can hear your intuition and lead your life from it. (By the way, those of you in LA, I am teaching a class called Awakening your Divine Voice on January 14th, 2012 in Pasadena.)

A basic "how to" would be to sit with pen and paper and just be. Observe your thoughts. If your thoughts are wandering all over creation, listen to the themes of the thoughts that you are hearing. Write down the themes. This is not a time for heavy journaling, just a time to reflect on the areas that your mind is focusing on. Let's say you're worried about your weight, your kids, your money or lack of it, your health. Whatever the themes are, put them down. Write down, weight, kids, money, health. At the end of 5 or ten minutes of sitting with your thoughts, ask for divine light to embrace the areas that you are struggling with. "Divine light embrace my fears and help me to release them so that I feel clear and healthy and whole."

As you do this exercise consistently in your life, your divine voice will naturally start giving you direction and guidance on how to heal the areas that you are concerned about. Let's say you're concerned about health, perhaps a doctor will come into your head to talk with or a acupuncturist or a book that you could read that will help. If anything comes to your brain, write it down.

The biggest thing to remember is that you are not trying to search for the answer when you sit with yourself. You are spending time being and the answer will naturally come. If you sit and try to figure out what is going on with your health, your brain will be too active and the solution that you are coming up with is from your mind, not from your inner voice. Sometimes the mind comes up with good solutions, but your divine voice is infinitely more connected to the world around you and therefore, infinitely more intelligent than your mental mind. It will naturally come up with better and more complete solutions.

Again, the key to this exercise is not to do it to find answers initially. Do it to hear yourself and nurture yourself. To spend time with your concerns and to ask for divine assistance with those concerns. The divine voice will naturally awaken when you are honoring yourself and spending time being. 

Many blessings to you all for this powerful new year.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Seeing Energy

Today, I thought I'd talk about training yourself to see energy. I went to a friend of mine's Channeling group the other night and could see the energy dancing over the head of a guy who did a bit of channeling and it was fun to see. (Channeling is connecting with the divinity within ourselves and expressing from that divine place.) Seeing energy is not necessary in the process of being intuitive, but it is fun and it gives us further experience and, therefore, further internal proof that there is more than meets the eye to life as we know it.

So, how to see energy. Some of you will be better at this than others. Seeing energy always reminds me of those posters that they used to sell where all you see is an abstract design, but then when you look at it a certain way an image pops out. Do you remember those? I always sucked at seeing the picture within the picture on those posters, so some of you just won't be able to see energy. Don't get frustrated with yourselves, because you might be better at seeing energy internally, or feeling energy, or hearing divine messages. This really is just for fun.

Go to a place where there is not a lot of energetic noise. For instance, if you go to a store like Target to see energy, it will be hard to see because there is so much energy bouncing around. The place I used to go to get my eyes in tune with energy was up in the mountains where there were trees. Trees or plants are easier to see energy on because they don't move around like animals or humans and because their energy is more dynamic than an inanimate object like a rock.

Pick a tree that seems healthy and vibrant. Let yourself sit and stare at the tree without focusing really hard to see the details of the tree. Be far enough away from the tree so you are not seeing the details of the leaves or the bark of the tree. Sit and be willing to see without trying or forcing yourself to see the energy of the tree. You'll have to sit for awhile, so be patient. The first time I saw energy on a plant, it looked like the plant was swarmed with bugs, but on closer observation there was nothing on the plant.You may see energy this way, or you may have a unique way of seeing the energy.

Once you start seeing energy on trees and you have practiced for awhile, try going out in public and observing energy on people and animals.

It's a lot of fun to see energy, so try it. As I say, some of you will be able to see energy and some of you won't. Don't beat yourself up if you can't. You have other talents, and those talents will reveal themselves over time.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Affirmations vs. Lying

How's everyone doing with "lying" and feeling into the energy of the lies? Hope well.

I have had some comments that sometimes affirmations feel like lies because if we affirm that we have limitless money and limitless resources and on a physical level we don't, that affirmation feels the same as lying. That is interesting to me as well.

I live on the assumption that we are all limitless abundance of all that is divine. We are limitless health, limitless wealth, limitless joy, peace, love, wisdom, balance, passion, clarity, and truth. This assumption comes from the internal feeling and experience that I get through meditation and hanging out with the divine nature of who I am over the years. (Meditation takes many forms for me and isn't always just sitting. I love to spend time with the divine while walking in the mountains, doing yoga, dancing, driving and all kinds of other "meditations.")

Many people have talked to me about affirmations and how the affirmations feel like a lie if they aren't experiencing what they are affirming. Again, let's use the example of someone who has very little money and who I might encourage to do an affirmation such as, "I am limitless abundance, I am limitless wealth." Doesn't that seem similar to the lying that we were playing with in our last exercise?

There is actually a small but very important distinction. With lying, we are saying we have something on the surface that we don't have or we are someone who we are not. For instance, if we lie and say that we have jets at our disposal and we are famous and we are naturally shy and like to live a simple life, this is a lie that would never resonate in our soul. We could never create this life.

When we affirm the essence of who we are, we are affirming a deep internal truth that our body and being resonates with. We may have belief systems that we have gathered over time that say that the deep internal truth is wrong, but those belief systems are aspects of us that we can heal over time. Say, for instance, we grew up during the depression and we grew up in poverty. Our mind structured itself around a time that there was very little money in the world around us, so we would naturally feel like there was not limitless wealth. Quite the opposite, our mind would believe that money and resources were hard to come by. We have to retrain our mind to find the deep internal truth of wealth. I would suggest adding to the initial affirmation, "I am limitless abundance, I am limitless wealth and I ask for divine assistance in healing anything that stands in my way of abundance and wealth." This addition activates a deep internal shift that over time will heal what stands in your way of abundance.

An affirmation is something that a person who is working on financial issues within themselves needs in order to heal a belief in lack. Ultimately, limitless abundance is the truth of all of our beings, so we can bring ourselves to the feeling of limitless abundance and then eventually to the physical experience of limitless abundance. The hard part always is that the physical healing takes the longest and it's hard to have patience and to keep affirming when we don't see the results. Most of us in the Western world have been taught, "you have to see it to believe it."

So, our next assignment is to play with essence words like love, joy, peace, health, abundance, wealth, wisdom, and truth. Affirm that you are that essence word. "I am love, I am joy, I am peace, I am health, I am abundance, I am wealth, I am wisdom, I am truth." If you are not able to feel the truth of the affirmation, focus on the area that feels lacking and investigate it. If you don't feel peaceful, focus on peace and ask for divine assistance in healing what stands in your way of peace. Do this daily until you feel the affirmation in your heart and soul and then you will start seeing more peace in your life. Focus on one essence word at a time until you feel the essence of all the divine words in your heart and start to see the truth of your divinity in your life. This is an assignment over time. Love yourself along the way.

Monday, November 21, 2011


OK, so my first exercise that seemed fun to play around with is lying...  This is to get yourself in tune with feeling the energy of something that isn't true. Some of you will feel it in your mind and feel the "offness" of the lie that you're telling yourself mentally and some of you will feel it in your actual body- a gut or heart feeling. If you haven't done much when it comes to playing with the energy of life, some of you won't feel anything at all but keep practicing. We all have an intuitive mind whether we have used it or not. Some of our intuitive minds have been slumbering for a big part of our lives. The key is to wake it up so that you feel more engaged in life.

So, get to the exercise, right? Think of an extreme lie about yourself. Like, assuming you're not a movie star like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt, say to yourself "I am incredibly famous with personal jets at my disposal." Or on the opposite end of life, again assuming this is not true about you, lie to yourself and say "I am homeless. I sleep on the streets in the freezing cold and I don't have enough to eat and I'm starving." Sit with the lie for a minute and feel your reaction to it. Where in your body do you feel different when you tell the lie? How does your mind react to the lie? Does your mind like the lie or is it repelled by the lie? Which extreme lie feels better or more familiar to you? Don't assume the obvious answer to that.

Play with other lies. Say, for instance, that you are in a really challenging relationship. Lie and say my relationship is the worst relationship in the world, and then lie and say that it is the best and most amazing relationship in the world. Feel the lie, feel in your body and/or in your mind where you experience the lack of truth.

The key is then to bring the lie closer and closer to the truth that you experience in your life until you feel what it is like to say the truth.

So, in the example of the money lie. Let's say you work as an accountant and you make a healthy living. Bring the homeless lie to a lie that says, "I barely make enough to survive. I live in a basic apartment that I don't love and I eat Ramen noodles." Ask the same questions that we asked about the more extreme lie. Then say another lie that is even closer to the truth, "I have a decent job, I just break even in a month." Again, ask the questions. Then, tell the truth and investigate how that feels in your body.

So, this exercise is an excellent first foray into the unknown territory of intuition, but if you are already a practicing intuitive it's also a great way to hone your skills. Plus, you learn a lot about yourself through the lies that you tell. We all lie to ourselves a bit throughout the day, and some of us lie quite a lot. Some of us lie and think our lives are better than they are, some of us lie and think our lives are much worse than they are. This exercise can help us identify our lies and start to access the truth of who we are. This will bring us closer to being at peace with who we are and where we are in life.

Have fun lying everyone and report in on how it goes! I always love your emails.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ghost Tour in New Mexico

I went on a ghost tour of Old Town in Albuquerque, NM this past Saturday night. It was an interesting tour, not because we saw ghosts, but because it pointed something out that was very important for me to realize.

This was a "scientific" tour of the ghosts in Albuquerque and they used equipment that was supposed to prove whether ghosts were there or not. The science part to me was very inconclusive, but the cool thing that was revealing was that it seemed like all the equipment used to identify ghosts were very sensitive to people who had a connection to spirit. I am not a detail person, as you all well know by now, so I won't get into the details, but the ghost tour people and I spiked the instruments, while the other people on the tour did not set them off very much.

To me that means that the more actively you connect to spirit, the more charged your energy is. Is this a good or a bad thing? I'll let you be the judge, but to me it seems like a good thing. It seems like that those of us who are working with the subtle world might be working with a different part of the brain that is active throughout the body.

So, the bottom line- get to the bottom line, right?- is that I got inspired even more to work with expanding my intuition and anyone out there who wants to join me. I am going to do weekly exercises and blogs talking about expanding intuition.

Here's to feeling more and more alive! (Funny that the inspiration to feel alive came from the dead on a ghost tour!)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Connecting with your Intuition

Check out Gilden and my new podcast about connecting with your intuition. http://intuitiveliz.com/podcast.html She and I have having a great time with this new endeavor. In this session together we talk about what intuition is and we give some simple ways of beginning to connect with your intuition more.

To me, intuition is a felt sense that utilizes our mind and our senses to feel into life. When we feel into life more, we are able to get a deeper understanding of the evolution that we are in. We can see if certain relationships are good for us when let ourselves pause and see how they make us feel. We can see if different circumstances serve us if we feel into whether we feel uplifted by them or downtrodden by them.

Tune into the podcast for more details on how to connect with your intuition and get some examples on how our intuition can serve us in our lives.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Podcast with Gilden

Here is a link to the first podcast Gilden and I did... This podcast gives a background on Gilden and I. It was a lot of fun, I hope you enjoy it. We will be posting podcasts every 2 weeks, and I will post a link here on my blog when a new one is posted. If anyone has topics that they would like us to talk about, feel free to let me know.


(By the way, we will be working on the sound quality! It'll be better next time.)

Friday, September 16, 2011


I bought this card at Trader Joe's with picture of a car on an open road that says, "when was the last time you did something for the first time?" I put it on my refrigerator and have been contemplating the thought for awhile. It's always a good thing to mix things up in life and to try new things and to stretch our imaginations, otherwise we get bored.

This past week has been a fun week of new things for me, and I wanted to share the inspiration with all of you.

I was the officiant of a wedding for the first time this past Saturday. (Congratulations, Lynn and Lon!) It was such a joyful experience to be a part of such a sacred ceremony. We have so few rituals left as a culture and weddings are such a deep awakening of the heart for all who get the honor to be a part of them. Weddings are there to bond the couple, but they also inspire us all to love even more in the relationships that we have.  I re-realized (Those of you who know me know that I like to make up words.:)) how deep and solid soul love is, and how precious it is to find someone to share that love. This was a great first experience and one I hope to do again.

My other first this week was to do a podcast with Gilden Tunador, our first podcast together. It will be posted here soon. It was so fun to explore ideas about intuition and divinity and energy with Gilden and I am very much looking forward to doing more. She has great insight and an innate intuitive ability in her own right. I hope you all will listen and I hope you enjoy it as much as she and I enjoyed doing it.

So, if I can inspire you all to get out there and do something for the first time, even if it's hard or even scary. It's so worthwhile to expand life beyond the limits of what we know. Report back to me what you wind up trying.

Love and Light, Liz

Monday, August 22, 2011

Opening Prayer and Message from Group Reading this Summer

Hi Everyone!

Here is a link to a recording from a group I did in July... This is just the opening prayer and message. The Q&A recording is available to those of you who were on the call if you'd like it.

Lots of Love and Light, Liz


Friday, August 12, 2011

Stop looking and God will give you what you want

I keep getting the message today as I have been working and settling in, "Stop looking and God will give you what you want," so I wanted to sit down and blog about that very thought for a moment. I feel like looking or seeking outwardly naturally can come from a place or feeling of lack. For instance, if I feel like I lack money, I am going to seek money in the world... The problem when my search for money comes from a feeling of lack, or "not enough," I keep getting money, but I never get enough to really get ahead. If, instead, I looked at whatever inside of me that felt lacking in wealth and asked divine light to heal that feeling of lack, I would naturally start creating situations that brought me money. I would not stop taking actions in the world that would bring me money, I would just be coming from a place of peace and divinity instead of lack.

The same goes for all kinds of searches. I search for peace, but I can't find it... I search for love, but I can't find it. Instead, asking for divine assistance to feel peace or to feel love, I naturally heal what stands in my way of that peace and love. Then I naturally, without seeking, create situations that create peace and love. (Or, in other words, God, Goddess, Divine light brings to me what I want.)

Thanks for listening... The divine kept tapping me on the shoulder about this one and I hope it helps everyone out there reading. Love and Light, Liz

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cleansing and Clearing

Hi Everyone! How has your summer been going? Have you missed me?

This has been a powerful summer for me that centers around cleansing a clearing and healing and getting super present in the moment.

My house was the symbol of all of this as I had multiple house repairs all summer long. It's finally coming to a sane level. I couldn't sleep in my bedroom for 3 months because of mold and I feel like I got to cleanse the mold out of my brain and my soul and get centered on the present moment and find ways to ground myself.

For those of you who know me well, you know that I am an Aquarius, which in simplistic terms means that I am a bit of an airhead. It helps me when it comes to doing readings and seeing and feeling and experiencing energy, but it doesn't always help me be present in physical life and living.

Having to be super present with my house and house repairs got me really present in my body. I got to hammer and paint and even tile! It was fun and so grounding, even though it took me away from business and blogging and work sometimes.

While I was cleansing the mold from my bedroom, I visualized all the aspects of my mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies getting cleansed and cleared as well. I realized how much patience it takes to really be thorough when it comes to healing something. (If it takes a couple of months to heal a room, then lifetimes of unhealthy patterns definitely take longer than that.) We get so hard on ourselves sometimes when things don't heal as fast as we want them to, but it makes sense that we have to heal, then sit and wait and make sure all the "mold" is out and then heal some more if we find more. I see a lot of people give up on themselves too soon and think that they've failed in a healing process when they are about to break through and out of an age-old pattern. It's easy to do, but be gentle with yourselves and you will heal. A light breaks through and you get to see the clear state of self.

I guess I learned patience a bit more this summer as well.

Much love and light to you on your journey. I am in the process of developing a podcast- coming soon!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hi Everyone! I know, I disappeared for a month or so... Thanks to those who have emailed me and said you missed me. :) I got caught up in life and have so much to share.

The thing rolling around in my brain in this moment is a quote from a song that a friend sent me that Sinead O'Connor sings ( I don't know if she wrote it.)  "I have a universe inside me." (I just looked the song up and it's called "The Healing Room.") The expansive energy of life inside every cell of our beings is so large and beautiful that it cannot be contained. As we access the universe inside us, we naturally feel our limitlessness and we share that limitlessness with the world.

Ahh, it's nice to be back with you all. I have been dealing with multiple shifts and changes in my life. The year anniversary of my dog Gracie's death, the death of a client, a mold problem in my bedroom that has disrupted my house and caused the dogs I have now to be a bit crazy, wind wind and more wind with the New Mexico spring, the chaotic and somewhat neurotic energy of Mercury going in and out of retrograde, relationships shifting and changing and growing- all in the course of a month. I have learned more about the preciousness of being human. There is something so divine about our personalities processing different changes in life and going through the thoughts and emotions of life. I am grateful to be human, even though humanness has its challenges.

I am sending prayers to those of you who are going through chaos, either internally or externally in your lives. I would guess that everyone is going through some form of major change at this moment as the earth opens to more and more love and as humanity heals at the core essence of who we are. We need to be here to support each other through the changes and to find the universe inside us and share it with the world.

Blessings, and more soon! Love and light, Liz

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fighting Back Days

I may not have mentioned a great friend of mine named Emily who lived to be 95 and had a great spirit of life that I miss seeing in person. She's still with me in my heart, of course, and I want to dedicate this blog to her. She had the expression "fighting back days" for when life is frustrating and when it feels like it is fighting you back and I have always loved that expression. You would use it when everything in a day goes against what you had planned for that day. Like you get up and you can't get your hair to look right, your toothbrush breaks, you have a fight with your husband, you get frustrated with yourself, the car won't start, and this is all before 9 am. This would be a fighting back kind of day.

It seems like life is fighting back a little for a lot of people right now, and I thought I would take a moment to talk about why life would fight us back. It's not to torture us or to make us feel bad about ourselves or about life. Fighting back days are there to remind us to take a moment and breath. This life right now, with all of the planetary changes and shifts that are happening, requires quite a bit focus on grounding and setting clear intentions. If we don't give ourselves time to be present in the day, to consciously ground our divinity in our bodies, we can easily get overwhelmed and feel like life is fighting us back.

How, you might ask, when you are frustrated and irritated can you possibly ground yourself and set clear intentions? All you want to do is scream! Well, first definitely scream- warn those around you, of course. After you scream and let out some of your frustration, ask for divine support to fill you with light and help you to heal your imbalances. "Dear God, help," is a good simple prayer when you are in the midst of a fighting back day. (God knows you can't get beyond a simple thought when you encounter a day like that.) Once you let go of the energy inside of you that feels like it is about to explode, then you can either get on with your day if you're busy, or you can sit and look deeper into what is going on with you. What feels imbalanced? What needs to heal? If you can't find any answers, don't worry. You will along the way. Maybe this day just needs to be filled with whatever is easiest so you can reset the fighting back energy and get back to the flow.

Good luck to you all! Lots of love, Liz

Monday, March 28, 2011

Intuitive vs Psychic

Hi Everyone, sorry to have disappeared last week. I was in Seattle and wound up staying a couple of extra days to spend some time with my little niece who turned one year old. She's such a joy- filled with love and light and a bright smile on her face. I'm definitely a proud Auntie.

I was watching a show on Edgar Cayce today and it brought to mind something that I have been wanting to talk about here on my blog for awhile. "What is the difference between a psychic and an intuitive?" I guess the question could be "Is there a difference between a psychic and an intuitive?" Some would argue with me that there is no difference, but I would argue them back. :) It may be slight semantics, but the distinction feels important in my eyes. I feel like we are all intuitive, we all have intuitive abilities, and we use our intuition every day. Just like I would say that we all have some knowledge about the human bodies but we are not all brain surgeons, we are not, however, all psychic unless we have natural abilities or unless we develop ourselves to be psychic.

When I looked up the words "psychic" and "intuitive" on the online dictionaries, here's what I got.
Psychic means:
sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural forces and influences : marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding. (Merriam-Webster online)
Intuition (Which is what an Intuitive would use for answers.) means:
the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference. (Merriam-Webster online)

In the very definition, there is mystery with the word psychic. I think of Edgar Cayce who was able to diagnose people's health issues by being put into a hypnotic trance. He would definitely be seen as a psychic- someone with a mysterious sensitivity that even he could not explain.

We all, however, have an intuitive aspect to our minds. To me, there is nothing supernatural or mysterious about it, it is actually a part of our mind that is in tune with the world around us. There is a part of all of us that tells us to call a person on a day they really need to hear our voice. This is our intuition. We have attained direct knowledge- I call it an intuitive "hit"- without any kind of reasoning behind that knowledge. We live by a combination of our intuitive mind and our intellectual mind. Our intuitive minds have often times in our society not been developed because our society doesn't value that part of our mind as much, but we use it every day none-the-less.

Some of us, like me, have a strength in our intuition and practice and training to contact our intuitive mind. We can utilize our intuitive voice to help confirm other people's intuitive feelings about their lives. Some people come to me and are told that I am a psychic. I think this can confuse people because they want me to see something extraordinary, instead of help them confirm what they already know in their heart. This is my work, this is what I do. I help you to find your truth, a truth that you already know. Sometimes we get blocked from that truth through our own fears and attachments. An intuitive like me will help you to see clearly through those fears and attachment and helps you to find answers. The future is not set in stone. Energy shifts and changes as we shift and change, that is why it is important to check in with yourself consistently so that you can feel if something that we have talked about in a reading has shifted course. Trust yourself and your inner voice the most and get coaching when you need feedback and guidance.

I love discussions about intuitive and psychic work. There are so many people out there doing amazing work in both fields. Gratitude and blessings to all of you!

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Prayer for Japan

I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in Japan with all that is going on over there. I know a couple of my clients are living over there right now and I want you to know that your whole country is in our prayers and in our hearts.

Here is a prayer that we can all say for Japan as well as this whole planet as it is shifting and changing.

"Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, I ask for legions of angels and pure divine light to embrace Japan helping to heal it's tender spirit and restore the country to a state of health. Help everyone in Japan to feel embraced in light and love as the country grieves and as the world grieves for them. Help them to embrace their fears and find faith and divinity inside them and around them. Help the world to bond together in support for this divine island and help us to find the strength inside of us to hold steady so that balance can be restored for Japan. We envision a steady return to a pure state of health. Let the nuclear reactor be surrounded in light and health and healing. Let everyone be fed. Let everyone's trauma be experienced fully so that it can be transformed. Let everyone be held and embraced by their neighbors. Let us bond together as human beings and, in oneness, support each other with courage and strength.

I envision this planet as healthy and whole, filled with light and love and grace. As I hold this vision, the world around me is infused by this vision and it is healed. I see healthy water, healthy land, healthy plants, healthy animals, healthy and conscious humans, healthy air, and a healthy atmosphere. I am divinely healthy and whole and I share that wholeness with the world. Divinely one, as I embrace wholeness, the world comes into balance and wholeness again.

I honor this life, I honor this planet, I honor the world around me in a state of pure harmony, balance, and health. Bless Japan, bless this world, bless this life, bless this existence. And so it is, Amen."

Much love to you in Japan and to everyone holding love and light and strength for Japan and the rest of this planet. As we near 2012, we will find a lot of need for courage and strength and we will find it by bonding together in a state of divinity and love.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

tripping over yourself

On my Monday night call a couple of weeks ago, we talked about how easy it is to trip over yourself once you have a failure in life. You can get caught up in the failure instead of learning from it and moving on. We have all heard that people who are the most successful are the people who learn from their mistakes. So, how can we become one of those people?

I compare it to learning to ski, which I did about a month ago. I learned the bunny hill, I did the beginner hill, and then I decided to try a more advanced hill. First of all, I bit off more than I could chew, which as far as learning from your mistakes is a big no, no. When you way over-shoot your knowledge, you're bound to fail rather largely and the potential for you to get frozen in your failure is huge. Once I was up to the top of a mountain in Santa Fe, I was committed. I started out ok, but then I faced a turn that I wasn't able to make and I started falling. I lost faith in my abilities at that point and then I just kept falling. I had totally psyched myself out.

This kind of failure can happen in any kind of situation. Let's say you start a business that you are really excited about. You present that business to the world and someone tells you it's stupid. You  start tripping over yourself. Some other people are excited  about you launching your business, but you just can't get the person who told you the business was a stupid idea out of your head.

With the skiing, I wound up taking off my skis and walking down the mountain. I admitted my inabilities to myself and then enjoyed the walk down. I figured it was better than winding up wrapped around a tree! I got down, took a break, then took a deep breath and went back to the beginner hill, which is what I knew I could do. I stopped falling and was no longer tripping over myself or psyching myself out. Next time I know I will be able to get to a point of going down a bigger mountain.

With the example of a business that you are tripping over, take a deep breath and go back and look at your strengths. Do you have enough knowledge to get started?  Do you have the passion to move through people who are telling you the business is stupid? If so, square your shoulders and go back to the business plan and move through the naysayers in your mind and in your life. Ask for divine assistance in healing what stands in your way of success.

Tripping over yourself is bound to happen. It's important to recognize when it is happening and stop for a moment. Acknowledge the things that started you tripping in the first place, whether it was a failure, a naysayer, or just a lack of ability. Ask for divine assistance in learning from what has been presented to you. With divine support, you will heal what is tripping you and release it so that you can open to success.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Being Grounded

I talk a lot about being grounded in your body. It's one of those terms that a lot of us use, but do we really know what that means? When your spirit is fully activated in your body, you are grounded. The more your spirit is activated in your body, the more alive you feel and the more you are in connection to your divine source, which is limitless in joy and peace and love and health. Knowing that, I am sure some of you are still perplexed.

It's funny, I googled "being grounded" just to get some feedback for writing this blog and all these kids were writing about being grounded by their parents. I had forgotten that the term being grounded has some negative connotations for us as a society. Being grounded really meant for us as children not being able to go out and have fun.

This makes a lot of sense to me, because when I tell clients that it would be useful for them to get grounded, a lot of people look at me like I'm telling them to eat their veggies. It's no fun to hear that you need to be grounded and some of us think of it almost as a punishment.

The other thing that came up in my google search was an entry in Wikepedia about grounding in an electrical circuit, which actually made a lot of sense when I look at the idea metaphorically. The direct quote from Wikepedia : "a "ground" is usually idealized as an infinite source or sink for charge, which can absorb an unlimited amount of current without changing its potential." When a circuit is not grounded, my understanding is that the electricity is on the loose and can scatter and cause shock.

The more grounded we are in our bodies, the more divine energy we can let in without being overwhelmed by that energy. Just like with an electrical circuit, when our spirit is grounded in our bodies we can absorb an unlimited amount of divine "current" which means we are more able channel and therefore manifest all that is divine. So, not only is grounding not a boring and a bad thing, it is one of the most useful and powerful tools to physically create divinity in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

When we are ungrounded, our energy scatters and becomes less affective. It can create mixed signals to the people in our lives and also mixed signals to the divine when it comes to manifesting. We basically become less effective and in extreme cases self-destructive.

We ground ourselves by consciously asking to be. "Divine light move through me and activate every cell of my body and being to live brightly and be inspired by the divinity that is my truth," would be a good affirmation. Getting out in nature is grounding for us, cold water is grounding, rubbing our feet is grounding, holding a rock is grounding. Anything that wakes us up in our bodies and helps us to know that we are here on this earth awake and alive is grounding.

Let's get grounded so we can experience limitless joy, love, peace, health, abundance, wealth, passion, wisdom, and bliss and share that limitlessness with the world around us!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day- A day for love

I promised everyone a blog on what it means to be grounded, but I thought I would save that for next week since it was just Valentine's Day and it feels worthy to talk about love.

I know it is a cliche to say that you can't love anyone until you love yourself, but I really feel it is true, and I also feel like we can't receive love if we don't know how to love ourselves. Of course, loving and honoring ourselves is a path and not something that is instantaneous, so loving and honoring the people in our lives and being loved and honored by the people in our lives are equally a paths that we deepen along the journey of life.

So, we talk about loving ourselves and what does that mean? We all know people who love themselves in an ego sort of way, openly loving their bodies and their personality in a way that is obnoxious and uncomfortable to be around. This is not the self-love that I am talking about. This is ego self-love. Ego self love is easy to identify. If you love yourself and think you are better than someone else, that is ego self-love.

Divine self love is loving and honoring yourself to be beautiful and brilliant knowing that everyone else's beauty and brilliance is equal to your own. "I am divine love, light, abundance, joy, health, wealth, peace, wisdom, beauty, and bliss. All of the world around me, all of the people around me, are also love, light, abundance, joy, health, wealth, peace, wisdom, beauty, and bliss. We are divinely one." As we affirm our divinity and love ourselves for it, we naturally enhance the divinity of those around us. This is Divine Self-love. We do not tell people around us that they are smaller or less than the beauty that we see in ourselves.

A lot of my clients fear loving themselves because they have been taught not to be self-centered and taught that is it selfish to love themselves. Being egocentric is what we truly were taught not to be, and this is a good lesson. When we are egocentric we either feel less than the world around us or more than the world around us and we will be very unhappy. We will compare ourselves to everyone else in our lives and judge ourselves and we will find little joy.

When we are divinely self-centered and in a state of divine self-love, we can access our divine truth in every moment. We know that we are love itself, and we know that everyone around us is also love itself and we find joy within us and joy around us. We love and honor our personalities, but we don't get lost in thinking that our personalities are the whole truth of who we are. We love and honor our strengths and our weaknesses and are constantly open to grow, but we don't judge ourselves. When we don't judge ourselves, we naturally don't judge the people around us and we find harmony.

It is a natural act to love ourselves, or to be love itself, and let the love from within us overflow into our lives and into the lives of everyone that we touch. When we affirm the love that is our truth, then naturally we see love, give love, and receive love in a circle of light. We naturally bring love into our lives in multiple forms and we naturally know how to love and be loved.

When we affirm, "I am love itself," we affirm this for ourselves and for the world around us. Practice this affirmation and report back to me how it changes your life.

Blessings and Happy Valentine's Week.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Year of the Rabbit!

I know nothing about Chinese astrology, but I do have to say that this year feels so much softer than last year. Last year had an aggressive and rather explosive feel to it, which is a great energy to move through issues and transform them but it's not a great energy to find inner peace. The contrast of last year, the year of the tiger, and this year, the year of the rabbit, is pretty gigantic and well needed for us all. The key is not to feel bored by this new energy, but relaxed and nurtured. There might now be fireworks, but rabbits definitely have energy and verve and great creative powers.

So, here's to a new year everyone. I have always felt that the Chinese new year has more of a feeling of a new year than our western new year. February is a great time for launching all that we want to create. Blessings to you all.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Patience is a Dirty Word

Would you rather have someone swear at you, or would you rather have someone tell you to be patient? I'm sure neither sounds appealing, but I am willing to bet that most people would rather have someone tell them almost anything other than to be patient.

I have often said to clients that I don't feel like patience is innate to human beings. Or, if it is, our culture programs patience out of us so early on that whatever patience we innately have is lost. Practicing patience takes patience, so how do we even begin?!

Patience comes down to trust and faith. We do everything that we physically can to line up what we want to create in our lives. Let's say we are trying to find a relationship. We go out to places that we love, we go on internet dating sites, we get counseling to get through any hang ups we have in our mental or emotional bodies, we practice loving ourselves, and still there is no one in our lives.

At this point, we either give up and say there is no one out there for us, OR we practice patience. We practice trust and faith that all of life happens in divine timing. We are doing nothing wrong in looking for that divine soul mate, we just need to continue on in our lives and have patience that we are creating that relationship in divine timing. We continue on with all that we feel the need to do physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and we practice patience. Patience has a natural receptive energy to it as a word and as a practice. People who are more patient than others are in general more open to life unfolding and are more content with where life is.

So, again you ask how do I practice patience?

"I surrender to divine timing in life. I surrender to trust in myself and trust in the divine. I surrender to deep patience with the unfolding of all that I am creating." This is a great mantra to plug into your daily practice. It will help you get out of your head's version on timing, which is always "I want it, and I want it now" or even "I want it and I want it yesterday" and get into the flow of divine timing. If you are seeking a soul mate and no matter what you do you can't find him or her, then know there is a divine reason. Your mind will want to know the reason, but I find that mystery is one of the most profound gifts that we get in this life.

The example of creating a soul mate can be transferred to anything- creating money, a new job, a healthy relationship in the relationship that we already have, a harmonious work environment, a new home, the list goes on and on. Learning patience in all aspect of our lives brings us great peace and it gives the universe the space to create something even better than we could ever imagine.

Blessings to you all, Liz

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Life begins at 40 :)

I am turning 40 this week and it inspires me to really be present in my age. Certain years stand out and we can really stop and take notice where we are and where we have been. It seems like decade birthdays are those kind of years.

While I was pondering 40 in my heart and mind, it was interesting to me how I compared 40 to being faced with death. It somehow makes me want to do things that I have been putting off. I am in no way close to death, unless God has a different plan for me that I don't know about, but when I become more present in the moment I am in, I just naturally want to feel inspired by the actions I take. Some of you will chuckle to yourself and think, "mid-life crisis". Maybe it is, but if this is a crisis I sure like it. I feel more inspired and energized than I have for awhile and more present for life's ups and downs and all arounds.

I would love to carry this feeling into every new year and even new day of my life. Feeling filled with where I have been, open to where I am going, and present where I am is a great place to be. I send you all this feeling and lots of love and light and gratitude for who you are in my life.

Blessings, Liz