Monday, March 28, 2011

Intuitive vs Psychic

Hi Everyone, sorry to have disappeared last week. I was in Seattle and wound up staying a couple of extra days to spend some time with my little niece who turned one year old. She's such a joy- filled with love and light and a bright smile on her face. I'm definitely a proud Auntie.

I was watching a show on Edgar Cayce today and it brought to mind something that I have been wanting to talk about here on my blog for awhile. "What is the difference between a psychic and an intuitive?" I guess the question could be "Is there a difference between a psychic and an intuitive?" Some would argue with me that there is no difference, but I would argue them back. :) It may be slight semantics, but the distinction feels important in my eyes. I feel like we are all intuitive, we all have intuitive abilities, and we use our intuition every day. Just like I would say that we all have some knowledge about the human bodies but we are not all brain surgeons, we are not, however, all psychic unless we have natural abilities or unless we develop ourselves to be psychic.

When I looked up the words "psychic" and "intuitive" on the online dictionaries, here's what I got.
Psychic means:
sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural forces and influences : marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding. (Merriam-Webster online)
Intuition (Which is what an Intuitive would use for answers.) means:
the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference. (Merriam-Webster online)

In the very definition, there is mystery with the word psychic. I think of Edgar Cayce who was able to diagnose people's health issues by being put into a hypnotic trance. He would definitely be seen as a psychic- someone with a mysterious sensitivity that even he could not explain.

We all, however, have an intuitive aspect to our minds. To me, there is nothing supernatural or mysterious about it, it is actually a part of our mind that is in tune with the world around us. There is a part of all of us that tells us to call a person on a day they really need to hear our voice. This is our intuition. We have attained direct knowledge- I call it an intuitive "hit"- without any kind of reasoning behind that knowledge. We live by a combination of our intuitive mind and our intellectual mind. Our intuitive minds have often times in our society not been developed because our society doesn't value that part of our mind as much, but we use it every day none-the-less.

Some of us, like me, have a strength in our intuition and practice and training to contact our intuitive mind. We can utilize our intuitive voice to help confirm other people's intuitive feelings about their lives. Some people come to me and are told that I am a psychic. I think this can confuse people because they want me to see something extraordinary, instead of help them confirm what they already know in their heart. This is my work, this is what I do. I help you to find your truth, a truth that you already know. Sometimes we get blocked from that truth through our own fears and attachments. An intuitive like me will help you to see clearly through those fears and attachment and helps you to find answers. The future is not set in stone. Energy shifts and changes as we shift and change, that is why it is important to check in with yourself consistently so that you can feel if something that we have talked about in a reading has shifted course. Trust yourself and your inner voice the most and get coaching when you need feedback and guidance.

I love discussions about intuitive and psychic work. There are so many people out there doing amazing work in both fields. Gratitude and blessings to all of you!

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