Friday, September 16, 2011


I bought this card at Trader Joe's with picture of a car on an open road that says, "when was the last time you did something for the first time?" I put it on my refrigerator and have been contemplating the thought for awhile. It's always a good thing to mix things up in life and to try new things and to stretch our imaginations, otherwise we get bored.

This past week has been a fun week of new things for me, and I wanted to share the inspiration with all of you.

I was the officiant of a wedding for the first time this past Saturday. (Congratulations, Lynn and Lon!) It was such a joyful experience to be a part of such a sacred ceremony. We have so few rituals left as a culture and weddings are such a deep awakening of the heart for all who get the honor to be a part of them. Weddings are there to bond the couple, but they also inspire us all to love even more in the relationships that we have.  I re-realized (Those of you who know me know that I like to make up words.:)) how deep and solid soul love is, and how precious it is to find someone to share that love. This was a great first experience and one I hope to do again.

My other first this week was to do a podcast with Gilden Tunador, our first podcast together. It will be posted here soon. It was so fun to explore ideas about intuition and divinity and energy with Gilden and I am very much looking forward to doing more. She has great insight and an innate intuitive ability in her own right. I hope you all will listen and I hope you enjoy it as much as she and I enjoyed doing it.

So, if I can inspire you all to get out there and do something for the first time, even if it's hard or even scary. It's so worthwhile to expand life beyond the limits of what we know. Report back to me what you wind up trying.

Love and Light, Liz

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