Thursday, December 16, 2010

Taking time to be Present

As I was preparing to teach my class on intuition a couple of weeks ago, I was thinking of simple ways to become more focused on the present moment. The more present we are, the more we naturally awaken our intuitive voice. One thing that occurred to me was to really focus on our food when we are eating. A lot of us eat and talk or eat and watch TV, but it is very simple just to take time to consciously eat. Sometimes finding time to meditate is hard, but we eat every day right? (Unless we are fasting.:))

So, as a new practice, try eating one meal a day consciously focusing on the flavors and sensations of your meal. This will immediately bring you to the present moment and you might find some awesome insights along the way. As you take time in a day to be present, the mind has time to find focus and you become more conscious of what is bothering you and you also become more conscious of the solutions.

Blessings to you all in this holiday season,

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