Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Holiday Season

Life can be overwhelming during the holiday season. We can easily get caught up in worldly life and forget our divinity for awhile. It is so important to re-center ourselves in the divine light that is our truth so that we can stay grounded and centered with all the craziness.

I know that this season is about giving, and we could look at that as giving physical gifts, but we could also look at the divine act of giving as well; giving kindness, giving time, giving presence, giving generosity. Some people go and volunteer this time of year, and this is great, but sometimes it is the small act of giving that is equally well received. Being present with the waiter at a restaurant, connecting and smiling with the cashier at Target, being kind to your neighbor's dog, really listening to your family and friends, all are forms of giving that can make a deep impact in someone's lives. When we really connect with people, the world shifts and we deepen our connection to the divine.

Many Blessings to you all in this holiday season!

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