Monday, November 1, 2010

The Day of the Dead

Today is a day to honor those who have passed to spirit. The veils between the worlds are thinner and we can connect and communicate with our divine friends and loved ones more clearly today. It is good to spend time with those that have passed, honoring in our minds and hearts who they were when they were here on earth, and honoring who they are in spirit.

I spent some time yesterday honoring a friend who passed on October 31st a few years ago. His name was Evan and he was an amazing person here when he was in his body. He was very sensitive to life and very troubled in his mind. He had an engaging smile and a unique perspective on life. He explored all kinds of alternative healing and all kinds of ways to heal his mind, but he wound up taking his life on October 31st, 2004.

Since Evan died, I have connected with his energy quite a bit. He has found peace in spirit and is now an amazing angel/guide.  When I connect with him, I see who he was here on earth, and then also see what I would call his light body. His energy is powerfully clear and open and expansive. He has released all that he was healing on this planet and now is assisting in the healing and transformation that the world is going through.

I tell this story to demonstrate that when we connect with the spirit and soul of someone, it's important to realize that they are in a new and divine place. The essence of who they were here on earth is there, but they have continued to grow and learn and expand. If they were unhappy in life, they might have learned and shifted and grown past that unhappiness and found divine peace and joy.

Send love and peace to the spirit of those that have passed. Ask for any divine message they might want you to hear or feel. Be open. You may feel peace and joy or you may get a message of love. You may not quite be ready to feel or hear anything, but just giving a moment of time can help you be ready the next time you connect. If, in anyway you feel disturbance when you try to connect, ask for angels and divine light to surround you and the soul that you are connecting with so that you both can find peace. The disturbance could be your own process of healing grief, or it could be the soul that you are connecting with trying to open to the light. Either way, the divine will take care of both of you in your healing.

Many Blessings to you all on this sacred and divine day,


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