Tuesday, December 22, 2009


What wild energy there is in the holiday season! Chaos is in the air and it's time to ground and center in our divinity before we all float away. Here's a prayer to say... "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me to find my divine center. Help me to remember to be present in a state of gratitude with every step that I take here on this earth. Surround me and my family and friends with extra angels to guide me on an easy and gentle path through this season and though all seasons of my life. Thank you God Goddess, Divine Spirit, Amen."

More from me soon. I have a lot to say about all the recent people and animals leaving this planet. There's so much preparation happening for the shift that earth is going through that will be complete in 2012. A lot of souls are joining the divine forces in spirit to help with the transition. We are truly returning to and centering into a state of love on this planet, and whether our soul is here physically on earth or has died and gone into spirit, we are all a part of this return to love. Many blessings to everyone for a joyful holiday season. Don't forget the Wednesday night group at 7:30 Mountain time if you need a little extra support. Love and Light, Liz

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Deep Honesty

Most people if you ask them would say they believe honesty is a good thing to live by. The degrees of honesty can be so vastly different, though, that we might all be talking about different things when we say we believe in honesty.

Does honesty mean telling what happened in a day?
Does honesty mean expressing your emotions even if they are challenging to find within yourself?
Does honesty mean calling to attention thoughts that are going on in your head?
Does honesty mean getting real with yourself and others and would that look the same to you as it would to someone else?

I am going to challenge us all on the level of being deeply honest with yourself. Look at the areas of your life that aren't working and get real with yourself. What are your thought patterns surrounding these areas of challenge? What is your emotional response? What patterns are you re-living? How can you love and nurture yourself as well as challenge yourself to grow?

I will look at the area of financial abundance, for example. Let us say that you want financial abundance in your life, but it is not manifesting. Are you affirming abundance in your life? Are you asking for divine assistance to release what stands in your way of abundance? Are you doing this daily, and if necessary, multiple times daily? If the answer is yes and you're still stuck, are you getting help from a counselor to work out the emotions and mental patterns you have around abundance? If the answer is still yes, are you giving yourself and the divine patience for the patterns to heal?

It can be a challenging process to stay centered with all that we want to shift and grow into in life. Being focused on what we want to create and being deeply honest with ourselves when it comes to what stands in our way can make giant shifts in our relationship with life.

A prayer for honesty would be, "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me to find a deep state of honesty in my life. Let me be honest with myself so that I can find honesty in all of my relationships in my life. Help me to find strength in honesty and help me to express this honesty in the world, and so it is, Amen

Friday, November 27, 2009

Wednesday night call, Thanksgiving and Gratitude

For those of you who were on the Wednesday night call- wow! Definitely a night for me to be grateful to all of you for your patience, love, and support. What a night of technical difficulties. I think anything that could have gone wrong technically did. So, thank you all for your joy and love in spite of it all.

This leads me into the spirit of Thanksgiving, a day of gratitude, a day of giving thanks. Gratitude is the foundation of life. Without gratitude for where we are and what we are experiencing, life can feel very empty and we can feel lost. If we can stop daily for a moment and feel grateful for everything that we are experiencing, the good, the bad, and the ugly, knowing that what we are experiencing is divine, then we can feel peace. From this peace, we can open to shifting and healing the bad and the ugly, and we can open to expanding the good. (Truly, there is no good, bad, or ugly- everything is divine, but some things feel better than others.)

So, stop for a moment. Sit and feel gratitude. If you want to feel gratitude and you can't, ask for divine assistance to help you experience the energy of gratitude. "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me to feel gratitude in a deep and powerful way. Help me to release what stands in my way of that gratitude. With gratitude, everything is possible and I open to that gratitude now. Thank you God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, Amen."

Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone and here is to letting every day be a day of gratitude.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Bends

I have a friend who has been plagued by dark energy. She opened her energy in a session with me and opened too fast. This can happen sometimes, but is very rare. I compare it to the bends, a problem divers have if they try to come to the surface of the ocean too fast. The change in pressure is so quick that a diver can die. Now, with an expansion of energy we cannot die, but we can feel sick or ungrounded if the expansion is fast. Our energy is wide open and we can be open to every kind of energy- the light as well as the darker, denser energies. If this person has psychic abilities, it can be very disorienting. The key, if this were ever to happen to any of you is to make sure you get an energy balancing from a professional healer as soon as possible. It's important to ground yourself and to cleanse and clear you energy and to rest as much as you need. If you know of anyone who is experiencing this, encourage them to get help. The sooner the help is received, the easier the healing. It is important to talk to the healer that you chose and make sure they are there to focus you and align you in the light. If they talk too much about the dark forces and the negative energies they might enhance the experience you are having with these energies and might pull you away from the light. A healing needs to be focused single-mindedly on the light. Now, just a slight case of the bends as your energy expands and as you open to the light is much more common. You might feel tired as you connect more with the divine within yourself. If this is the case, a daily prayer is useful. "Dear God, Goddess, Divine help my body, mind, heart, and spirit align with the light that I am opening to. Help me to feel at peace in every cell of my being. Help me to feel grounded and centered in the divine light that is my truth. Help the healing that I am going through to be gentle and easy and help me release all that stands in my way of feeling and knowing myself to be divine. I affirm that I will stay focused on the light within me as I heal, and so it is, Amen."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Co-Creating with the Divine

Often we assume that the Divine works through us, which is true, but we forget that we are the Divine. Ultimately, the Divine works through us, with us, and as us. We are not separate entities. When we remember that, we empower ourselves to be co-creators with the Divine. We need to set intentions with the Divine within us and around us and the wheels of the Universe will start to fall into place to create those intentions. Let's say we set an intention to experience love. When we set that intention, we start immediately to heal what stands in our way of love, and we start to have mirrored in our lives any patterns that we have within us that hold us back from or block us from love. When we continue to hold with the Divine the intention of experiencing love, and as we heal our patterns and belief systems, the veils that have hidden us from love starts lifting and we see that love is all around. We are co-creators with the divine. The trick is always patience and holding the intentions even-or especially- when we are see our blocks and patterns healing in front of us. Go out there and co-create with the Divine everyone. The word will be a much brighter place!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween... The Day of the Dead

Today and this weekend, it is important for us all to honor our ancestors and to honor the people we know who have passed on through the veils of the worlds, or in other words, the people we know who have died. How do we honor the dead? We can think of alll of the people in our lives who have influenced us who have died and send them love and gratitude for who they were here in this world to us and also who they still are to us in our hearts and in our lives.

I think of my grandparents and friends who have died and each of them had a special influence for me. I would not be the same if I had not known them. I willl spend a little time this weekend “talking” to them, thinking of them individually, and sending them gratitude for what they brought to my life. Each person taught me so much of what to be and what not to be in this life and all of the teaching I carry with me and share with the world. No one ever truly leaves us. They all live on in our hearts and in our actions and in our words. When we sit with each individual in gratitude, we might hear their voice and feel their presence. Some even show us a physical sign that they are with us- a feather, a song, a penny; some give us a felt sense of their presence; some are silent. All connections are beautiful and divine.

If we want to, we don’t have to only connect during Halloween. We can check in with our friends and family who have died any time we want, all we need to do is sit and listen and be willing to open to hear, feel, see, or know their presence.

Enjoy your weekend and your connections with the dead. Make sure you connect with the living as well.:) Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I have been meaning to write a blog on intuition for awhile, so here it is. We are all intuitive. We all have an intuitive voice. To me, that intuitive voice is a part of the vast brain that God, Goddess, the Divine gave us. Some people are naturally more intuitively intelligent, some people are naturally more intellectually intelligent, and some people are balanced in both. In school, we are taught to expand our intellect, but how do we expand our intuition?

The biggest and best way to expand our intuition is to learn to stop and listen to our intuitive voice. Our intuitive voice can be softer and more subtle than our ego mind and our intellect and it requires us to take a moment to hear it. Once we have paid attention to our intuitive voice and we have heard what it sounds like within us, we can “turn up the volume” of it so we can hear it moment to moment in our day. So, stop… Bring into your mind something that you want a deeper understanding of in your life. Ask for help. “Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit help me to hear my intuition. Help me to feel what to do in this situation in my life. ” Sit and feel for awhile. You might have a word pop into your mind, you may feel a “felt sense” in your body, you may see an image. Everyone receives information a little differently. At first, you might not get much information, but the more that you stop and listen, the more trained you will become to hear and feel and know an intuitive response. The more you take action on that intuitive information that you receive, the more you will trust the information you get in the future.

Good luck with this first step and report back to me how it all goes. Blessings, Liz

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New York, New York

I just got back from a visit to New York City. It was an awesome time and the thing that I learned most from the New Yorkers was to be open about my emotions. It seemed like everyone there was very emotionally open. If they were happy, they showed it; if they were mad, they let it out; if they were sad, they cried. It was very refreshing. It reminds me that if we really let our emotions move through us, then they are just emotions not some internal monster that we are repressing. So here is to expressing our emotions in a clear way so that they never own us and so they never destroy us. Amen to that. Happy fall everyone!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

When it all goes "wrong"...

(A funny thing happened while posting this... The whole blog disappeared, completely unposted... A joke from the divine to show that this mercury retrograde deal continues. Thank goodness I had already copied what I wrote! :))

I have been having a mercury retrograde festival of meltdowns, where everything that is potentially challenging moves from potentially to actually challenging. (Basically whatever could go wrong is going wrong.) Now, how do I turn it all around in my mind and heart and look at it as all divine? Ahh, the eternal question. Here's what I do...

I stop and I sit and I listen to the lessons... One of the multiple things that has "gone wrong" in my life right now is a roof that is leaking. So here I am sitting with you listening to the divine energy around why my roof is leaking. I am getting a funny message around that. First I get that it's old and it needs fixing and that houses just need repair. A simple and yet very practical answer. Now I ask, is there anything deeper that I need to learn from my roof leaking? I get a two-fold answer. One is that I need to trust that money and time will always be there for me and I need to learn that lesson in a big way. (This means to me that the price tag on my roof leak might be big and take some time to fix, but that I will create the money easily and the time will be well spent.) Another is that I am a part of a bigger picture and that I need to participate in the flow of cash. What I give out will come back to me, but I need to give out right now.

So the big thing "when it all goes wrong" is to remember to stop and listen and hear the lessons that we need to learn from whatever it is that is going wrong. Going wrong is always divine even if it's hard to get in touch with the divinity. I know a roof leak is small compared to health problems and world hunger, but the basic stop and listen still works for the harder stuff.

The final step is to pray. "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit I open to the divine lesson and the divine plan that is challenging to see at the moment. I ask for help and assistance in healing whatever stands in my way of feeling peace and joy with the situation that is going on in my life. I open to learn my lessons in a gentle and fluid way. Thank you God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, Amen."

Monday, September 14, 2009


I am convinced that it is not innate for us humans to have patience. Even the more evolved souls have to practice patience, which the "practice" part of that equation means to me that it is not natural for us. I am sure there will be a lot of people who argue me on this point, and I would love to hear the arguments and experiences.

I just got through a rather intense mercury retrograde experience with travelling where pretty much anything that could be delayed or challenging was delayed or challenged. I am writing this on a total of three hours sleep, and I love to sleep. I mean, really, I love my sleep. :)

So, in this travel experience, I practiced patience and won. My friend and I actually had an adventure and laughed through the unhappy people and the multiple mishaps. It was fun, but it definitely was "practice." I had to keep my mind focused on allowing life to unfold and allowing the challenges to either melt away or to teach me patience in a deep way.

For those of you who have a challenge with patience, which I am going to assume is most, if not all of you, let's do a prayer. "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me open to a full and deep experience of patience. Help me to release any discord that is going on in my body, mind, heart or spirit so that I can feel at peace and feel in balance. As I feel balance and peace, my patience for life deepens. Help me to know a sense of gratitude for every step that I take on this earth. As I feel gratitude, my patience deepens and I know that every step that I take on this earth is divine. Thank you God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, Amen."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mercury Retrograde- Help! :)

For those of you who follow astrology as well as for those of you that don't, mercury is on its way into retrograde as of tomorrow. Whoo hoo! :) What does this mean for all of us. For the little I know, because I am no astrologer, it means we all need to have a lot of patience. Mercury is the planet that controls communications and electronics and travel and when a planet goes into retorgrade it means that everything in it's domain moves backwards in some way in our lives. Personally, for me it usually means clients show up on the wrong day, my computer acts a bit "wiggy", and I have a few challenging conversations with friends or family where I wonder if they are really hearing and understanding me and where they wonder if I am really hearing or understanding them. For those of you who don't believe in astrology, I would bet you $50 that you could guess when mercury was in retograde in your lives. I won't place the bet, however, because nay sayers love to remain nay sayers, in my experience.

Anyway, hang in there everyone. We are about to enter into another Mercury Retrograde, starting the 7th of September and lasting to the end of the month. Have patience if things in your life don't work perfectly and try to laugh through this. If laughing doesn't work for you and if your patience is running thin, I suggest this simple prayer. "Dear God, help!" It is a simple and effective way of manuvering through life's craziness. Good luck, and I would love to hear your stories so we can laugh through this together.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A deep sense of truth...

There is a crispness to the air at night that indicates fall. I love fall, it's one of my favorite seasons and it is so nice to have the feeling of coolness. Ahhh. Fall feels like a time to be social before the introversion of winter and to get out and tell people you love them. My assignment to everyone is to tell someone you love how much you care about them. Really open up and speak a deep sense of truth to the people that you love. If you have a hard time sharing your feelings, here is a good prayer for healing.

"Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me to open my heart and share my soul with the people that I care about in my life. Help me to heal and release everything that stands in my way of a purely open heart in my life. Surround me in light and help me to feel safe to share my feelings. Thank you, Amen"

Friday, July 31, 2009

riding the waves

I just finished jury duty- hooray- and I realized how important it is in life to ride the waves that life throws you instead of being bowled over by them. It can be easy and tempting just to let the waves plow you over. While on jury duty, my best buddy and roommate moved out of my house and I was working with clients. I felt a bit overwhelmed at times and it was hard to find my center. I kept praying for clarity and groundedness and, amazingly, it really helped. I sometimes forget how truly powerful prayer is.

So, if you are in the midst of multiple large waves of life that are crashing in on you, here is a good prayer to help you to ride the wave instead of getting tossed by them. "Dear God, Help me to feel and experience and know the presense of the divine in everything that I do. Help me to feel centered in the midst of everything that is going on in my life. I ask for a deep state of groundedness to enter into my life and fill me with a sense of peace and security. I am grateful for all the lessons that I'm learning and I open to fluidly learn these lessons and to deepen my understanding of life. Thank you God, Amen."

Good luck with your waves!
Peace, Liz

Wednesday, July 22, 2009



From my upcoming CD- Bliss: Bliss Prayer
Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, I ask that we surrender to a state of pure divine bliss. As we surrender to divine bliss, we open to a state of love beyond measure, abundance beyond measure, peace beyond measure. We enter into an open space that feels and experiences and knows divinity. Anything that stands in our way of fully experiencing bliss easily and gently heals and transforms into light. Our minds empty of everything except love, our hearts are filled with joy, our bodies are filled with balance and health. The energy of the divine is activated in every cell of our beings and we feel filled with the divine and embraced by the divine at the same time. This is bliss, we are bliss. Bliss is always present and we are always able to access it if we affirm it and surrender to it. We open our hearts in gratitude, and so it is, amen.

Divine Place
I am sitting here at jury duty writing this blog… Embracing this process has been a little bit challenging for me. As I was driving here this morning I recognized that I was feeling a deep sense of peace. When I tuned into that feeling of peace, I recognized that there is a divine purpose and a divine plan for me to be here. What a relief to have this realization, and of course this is true of all aspects of our lives. When we are challenged in life and we drop our minds out of the equation and let ourselves just “be” for a moment, we can find a sense of peace. Peace of purpose. A prayer to help find this feeling would be, “Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, I open to feel, experience, and know peace in this situation in my life. I open to recognize divine purpose, even if my mind doesn’t know what that purpose is. I open my heart in gratitude for the lessons and the teaching in this and all situations in my life, and so it is, Amen.”

Ocean Oneness
I am headed to Hawaii to celebrate my mom’s 70th birthday and I am looking forward to being surrounded by the ocean and being in the midst of the pure, raw energy of creation that volcanic islands have. There is something humbling when you are able to witness the earth in action. It makes me feel small, and yet so much a part of all that is. So, in honor of the ocean, I wanted to do a guided meditation around finding oneness with all that is and with the peace that comes from the experience of oneness.

“Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, I am deeply grateful for this earth and for all the living beings on this planet. I open and surrender to the experience of oneness with all that is divine on this planet and in this vast universe and I recognize myself as perfectly in tune with the water, the land, the plants, the animals, and all the other beings on this planet. I am in complete harmony with the oneness of all that is. As I experience that oneness, I feel completely at peace and as I experience deep peace, that peace fills this planet. A vast ocean of love fills my heart and fills the planet. For the moment, there is stillness and I experience everything within me and around me as divine. Thank you God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, and so it is, Amen.”
Have a great couple of weeks, and I will send Hawaii energy to you all, Blessings, Liz

Guided Meditation~ Opening to Joy
Here is a guided meditation from my CD “Finding your Joy” that will help you to fully embrace, at a cellular level, pure joy.

Take a deep breath into your heart and into every cell of your being, breathing into the energy of pure, divine joy. As we breathe into the energy of joy, we affirm “I am pure, divine joy. Every cell of my being recognizes joy, and every cell of my being opens to a state of joy. Even when my mind cannot fully understand or comprehend how to achieve joy in my life, I can still activate that joy in every cell of my being. I am pure divine joy.

“I ask for divine assistance to help me to open at a cellular level to joy, assisting me in releasing anything and everything that stands in my way of living a life of joy. In this moment, I activate joy and live it in my life so that I may BE joy, so that I may share joy, so that I may receive joy in my life. I ask for the healing around joy in my life to be as easy and gentle as it possibly can be.
“I also recognize that whatever I need to heal that stands in my way of joy may be challenging, but I am ready for the journey. I ask for divine support in being ready and willing to heal anything that stands in my way of fully saying yes to joy. I ask for divine assistance so that I can in this moment say yes to joy. Yes, I live a life of joy. Yes, I allow healing to happen so that I can live a life of joy. Yes, I will bring joy into my life. Yes, I will share that joy with the world around me. Yes, I will open to receive joy from the world around me. I truly am joy, and I open my heart to know that joy and to live from it.

“I honor this space, I honor this presence of light that is always within me to experience and know. I honor the presence of light that always surrounds me, the energy of divinity itself, which is a part of every step that I take. I can always surrender to that divine light so that I can receive assistance from the divinity around me and the divinity within me. I am joy. I am pure, divine joy.”

Take a deep breath into your heart, into every cell of your being, breathing into the energy of joy itself letting it wash over you and bathe you in beautiful light. I honor this space and I thank you all for truly opening your hearts to joy in your lives. Do this meditation often and you will find your life opening up to a state of bliss. Many blessings, thank you.

Finding the Silver Lining
Sometimes we look at different aspects of who we are as “bad”. “I’m sensitive and that’s bad”, I’m shy and that’s bad”, and so on… We look at our attributes as weaknesses and we beat ourselve up for those weaknesses over and over. What if we could look at the silver lining and turn our weaknesses into our strengths? Sensitivity is usually within people so that they can have empathy and compassion for the people around them. Shyness can be a willingness to let others around you shine. There is always a silver lining within personality traits that might at first glance be a weakness. The more we embrace who we are, the more our weaknesses can turn into strengths in our minds. Bring a personality trait that you have that is challenging for you to embrace into your mind and do this simple prayer. “Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, I ask for assistance in seeing the positive in this personality trait. I open to release self judgement and to embrace and love all aspects of who I am. And so it is, Amen.”

Getting Along
I got to be an extra this week on a Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant movie and it pointed out such interesting human dynamics that I wanted to write about it. I met some awesome people and I also met some people who felt challenging to me. It is amazing to me with all of the different people in the world that we can find a way to come to a place of inner peace and balance and unconditional love. When we interact with all kinds of clashing personalities, how do we do it?! There’s a form of chaos that we encounter internally when we come into contact with people who approach life so differently and it can feel like we have entered into a tornado, so how do we find the eye of the storm?

We have to remember our inner strength and also remember that we are all different. Our differences don’t have to feel opposing as long as we embrace them. Sometimes they are hard to embrace when they are thrown in our face over and over again, though. Breathing helps. :) If we can talk ourselves through the fact that people aren’t thrown in front of us to torture us, they are thrown there to help us learn compassion and patience. If we can remember that people are not there to personally affront us, they just might see life differently and if we open up our minds we might learn something from someone who might initially drive us nuts. We might not agree with them in the long run, but we might learn something. Some people won’t let up and then we just need to learn to love them from a distance and take our space from them. Why stay in a place of constant resistance?

A prayer would be, “I open to find a state of peace wherever I am, knowing that it is all divine. I open to embrace the differences in the world around me instead of fighting those differences so that I can find the eye of the storm and enjoy each moment of life more fully. I ask for divine help and assistance every step of the way so that I can know balance and compassion and peace. And so it is, Amen.”

(By the way, Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker are both even more awesome in person as they are on screen. Very generous and kind from what I saw-and Hugh Grant is very cute… Sarah Jessica Parker is too, I’m just partial to the boys. :) It was fun to be a part of the movie. For those of you in New Mexico who are jealous and would like to be an extra sometime, I highly recommend http://www.filmsavage.com, a great company to work for.)

Peace in the midst of Change
There is a great energy in the air of change. We all might be feeling like we are moving at the speed of light or that the world around us is moving at the speed of light. This is an important time to ground ourselves in the divine so that we can find peace in the midst of change. Daily, sit for a couple of minutes, take a deep breath and ask for the Divine to be with you. “Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, flow through me and cleanse and clear me with light. Help me feel grounded and centered in my divine light and my divine purpose.” Take a few more deep breaths and then move on with your day. You will feel lighter and more centered for the shifts and changes that are going on around you. Love and Light, Liz

Hello world!Today, I would like to just offer some inspiration. Wherever you are in your life is perfect and divine. Whatever you might be doing to fight the moment, stop, take a deep breath and affirm, “it is all divine.” This will help life to continue to unfold. It will help you to learn the lessons you are meant to learn in the moment and it will help you to open to an even better life than you have now. If you are fighting the lesson that is happening in your life right now because you don’t like what it looks like, you are prolonging whatever you are trying to move through. An affirmation would be: “I surrender to this moment in my life so that I may see the lessons that I’m meant to learn. I ask for divine assistance and healing with all of my lessons so that I may open to an even greater life than I am living in this moment. I let go of resistance and I am willing to heal and grow and expand in my life. Amen”
