I have been meaning to write a blog on intuition for awhile, so here it is. We are all intuitive. We all have an intuitive voice. To me, that intuitive voice is a part of the vast brain that God, Goddess, the Divine gave us. Some people are naturally more intuitively intelligent, some people are naturally more intellectually intelligent, and some people are balanced in both. In school, we are taught to expand our intellect, but how do we expand our intuition?
The biggest and best way to expand our intuition is to learn to stop and listen to our intuitive voice. Our intuitive voice can be softer and more subtle than our ego mind and our intellect and it requires us to take a moment to hear it. Once we have paid attention to our intuitive voice and we have heard what it sounds like within us, we can “turn up the volume” of it so we can hear it moment to moment in our day. So, stop… Bring into your mind something that you want a deeper understanding of in your life. Ask for help. “Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit help me to hear my intuition. Help me to feel what to do in this situation in my life. ” Sit and feel for awhile. You might have a word pop into your mind, you may feel a “felt sense” in your body, you may see an image. Everyone receives information a little differently. At first, you might not get much information, but the more that you stop and listen, the more trained you will become to hear and feel and know an intuitive response. The more you take action on that intuitive information that you receive, the more you will trust the information you get in the future.
Good luck with this first step and report back to me how it all goes. Blessings, Liz
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