Tuesday, December 22, 2009


What wild energy there is in the holiday season! Chaos is in the air and it's time to ground and center in our divinity before we all float away. Here's a prayer to say... "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me to find my divine center. Help me to remember to be present in a state of gratitude with every step that I take here on this earth. Surround me and my family and friends with extra angels to guide me on an easy and gentle path through this season and though all seasons of my life. Thank you God Goddess, Divine Spirit, Amen."

More from me soon. I have a lot to say about all the recent people and animals leaving this planet. There's so much preparation happening for the shift that earth is going through that will be complete in 2012. A lot of souls are joining the divine forces in spirit to help with the transition. We are truly returning to and centering into a state of love on this planet, and whether our soul is here physically on earth or has died and gone into spirit, we are all a part of this return to love. Many blessings to everyone for a joyful holiday season. Don't forget the Wednesday night group at 7:30 Mountain time if you need a little extra support. Love and Light, Liz


  1. I'm very interested in what you said about how many humans and animals are leaving this planet to help in the transition to bring more love to this planet. My sweet dog Rosie passed on December 16 and I have a strong feeling that she is a spirit who will help others with this transition. Can you tell us more about this?

  2. My new blog should help you with this... Many blessings to you in your grieving process.
