Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holding the Space for a New Year

One thing about intuition that is super important to remember is that it takes time sitting and being to find it. I know I have said this time and time again, but you can't expect yourself to hear your inner voice when you are always busy and on the go. Yes, some people have magic intuitive powers that exist without time and energy focused on them, but for the rest of us, it take time and cultivating and nurturing to hear our inner voice.

So, I know this time of year we are all thinking about the year that we are leaving and the awesome new year that we are opening to and we make resolutions or commitments to ourselves for the upcoming year. In this year, especially the year 2012 with the Mayan calendar coming to an end and the new energy and world emerging, it seems timely to commit to spending time with your inner voice so that you can hear your intuition and lead your life from it. (By the way, those of you in LA, I am teaching a class called Awakening your Divine Voice on January 14th, 2012 in Pasadena.)

A basic "how to" would be to sit with pen and paper and just be. Observe your thoughts. If your thoughts are wandering all over creation, listen to the themes of the thoughts that you are hearing. Write down the themes. This is not a time for heavy journaling, just a time to reflect on the areas that your mind is focusing on. Let's say you're worried about your weight, your kids, your money or lack of it, your health. Whatever the themes are, put them down. Write down, weight, kids, money, health. At the end of 5 or ten minutes of sitting with your thoughts, ask for divine light to embrace the areas that you are struggling with. "Divine light embrace my fears and help me to release them so that I feel clear and healthy and whole."

As you do this exercise consistently in your life, your divine voice will naturally start giving you direction and guidance on how to heal the areas that you are concerned about. Let's say you're concerned about health, perhaps a doctor will come into your head to talk with or a acupuncturist or a book that you could read that will help. If anything comes to your brain, write it down.

The biggest thing to remember is that you are not trying to search for the answer when you sit with yourself. You are spending time being and the answer will naturally come. If you sit and try to figure out what is going on with your health, your brain will be too active and the solution that you are coming up with is from your mind, not from your inner voice. Sometimes the mind comes up with good solutions, but your divine voice is infinitely more connected to the world around you and therefore, infinitely more intelligent than your mental mind. It will naturally come up with better and more complete solutions.

Again, the key to this exercise is not to do it to find answers initially. Do it to hear yourself and nurture yourself. To spend time with your concerns and to ask for divine assistance with those concerns. The divine voice will naturally awaken when you are honoring yourself and spending time being. 

Many blessings to you all for this powerful new year.

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