Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hi Everyone! I know, I disappeared for a month or so... Thanks to those who have emailed me and said you missed me. :) I got caught up in life and have so much to share.

The thing rolling around in my brain in this moment is a quote from a song that a friend sent me that Sinead O'Connor sings ( I don't know if she wrote it.)  "I have a universe inside me." (I just looked the song up and it's called "The Healing Room.") The expansive energy of life inside every cell of our beings is so large and beautiful that it cannot be contained. As we access the universe inside us, we naturally feel our limitlessness and we share that limitlessness with the world.

Ahh, it's nice to be back with you all. I have been dealing with multiple shifts and changes in my life. The year anniversary of my dog Gracie's death, the death of a client, a mold problem in my bedroom that has disrupted my house and caused the dogs I have now to be a bit crazy, wind wind and more wind with the New Mexico spring, the chaotic and somewhat neurotic energy of Mercury going in and out of retrograde, relationships shifting and changing and growing- all in the course of a month. I have learned more about the preciousness of being human. There is something so divine about our personalities processing different changes in life and going through the thoughts and emotions of life. I am grateful to be human, even though humanness has its challenges.

I am sending prayers to those of you who are going through chaos, either internally or externally in your lives. I would guess that everyone is going through some form of major change at this moment as the earth opens to more and more love and as humanity heals at the core essence of who we are. We need to be here to support each other through the changes and to find the universe inside us and share it with the world.

Blessings, and more soon! Love and light, Liz

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