Would you rather have someone swear at you, or would you rather have someone tell you to be patient? I'm sure neither sounds appealing, but I am willing to bet that most people would rather have someone tell them almost anything other than to be patient.
I have often said to clients that I don't feel like patience is innate to human beings. Or, if it is, our culture programs patience out of us so early on that whatever patience we innately have is lost. Practicing patience takes patience, so how do we even begin?!
Patience comes down to trust and faith. We do everything that we physically can to line up what we want to create in our lives. Let's say we are trying to find a relationship. We go out to places that we love, we go on internet dating sites, we get counseling to get through any hang ups we have in our mental or emotional bodies, we practice loving ourselves, and still there is no one in our lives.
At this point, we either give up and say there is no one out there for us, OR we practice patience. We practice trust and faith that all of life happens in divine timing. We are doing nothing wrong in looking for that divine soul mate, we just need to continue on in our lives and have patience that we are creating that relationship in divine timing. We continue on with all that we feel the need to do physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and we practice patience. Patience has a natural receptive energy to it as a word and as a practice. People who are more patient than others are in general more open to life unfolding and are more content with where life is.
So, again you ask how do I practice patience?
"I surrender to divine timing in life. I surrender to trust in myself and trust in the divine. I surrender to deep patience with the unfolding of all that I am creating." This is a great mantra to plug into your daily practice. It will help you get out of your head's version on timing, which is always "I want it, and I want it now" or even "I want it and I want it yesterday" and get into the flow of divine timing. If you are seeking a soul mate and no matter what you do you can't find him or her, then know there is a divine reason. Your mind will want to know the reason, but I find that mystery is one of the most profound gifts that we get in this life.
The example of creating a soul mate can be transferred to anything- creating money, a new job, a healthy relationship in the relationship that we already have, a harmonious work environment, a new home, the list goes on and on. Learning patience in all aspect of our lives brings us great peace and it gives the universe the space to create something even better than we could ever imagine.
Blessings to you all, Liz
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