Monday, November 15, 2010


I woke up thinking about Kryptonite this morning from the Superman movies and comics. It is the only substance that weakens Superman's powers and can kill him. Why, you might ask am I bringing this up? Well, I was realizing that we all have forms of Kryptonite in our lives. Unlike Superman (who is super-human after all) we mere mortals have more than one form of Kryptonite that weaken our energy and hold us back from our true nature and strength. Each of us have our own unique forms of Kryptonite and when we identify what weakens us, we can grow stronger and healthier.

We all have Kryptonic (I realize that is not a word, but it is now. :)) relationships. Some of those relationships are with people, some of the relationships are within ourselves, some are with food, some with activities or addictions. The key is to find what is unhealthy and either change the dynamic we have with the relationship or get rid of it all together.

I recently had a date with a guy who had all the right elements and interests and "should" have been a perfect match for me. When I got home that night, I felt drained beyond reason and felt that way for a few days afterward. He was Kryptonite for me. Why? On paper he was perfect and he was a really nice guy. Was it past life energy? Was it an imbalance between us? Was he an energy vampire? Does it really matter? I was energetically sick from the interaction. That doesn't mean he was a bad person, it just means his energy was bad for me. Identifying a feeling and a drain of energy is the first step toward choosing healthy, energizing relationships and creating a balanced life. What seems perfect might not be perfect for you. Broccoli might be toxic for you. You might be very happy that broccoli is toxic for you. :) It's up to you to pay attention to what feeds you and to what brings you down.

So, pay attention to your energy. When you enter into a relationship with someone or something, does it make you feel neutral, does it lift your spirits, or does it bring you down? If it brings you down, is there something that needs to be said or done that can open the relationship to health? Ask for divine support to feel or know if there is an action that can create health.

If the "Kryptonic" relationship in question is with a person, talk more openly, express more freely and see if the relationship is restored. If it isn't, be willing to either leave the relationship or change the dynamic. If the "Kryptonic" relationship in question is with a food that doesn't sit well with you, look at what you ate it with and try a different combination next time. Look at the time of day you ate it, pay attention and change the dynamic and if it still doesn't sit well, either take the food out of your diet or lessen your intake of it. If the "Kryptonic" relationship is with an activity that is necessary like cleaning, look at how to approach it differently and make it more fun.

There are most likely few truly "Kryptonic" relationships in our lives, meaning things that truly will drain us to the point of death like poor Superman; things that no matter what we change still make us sick. True Kyptonite is more evident immediately and we feel it in the depths of our soul. Some of us might have days where our children feel like Kryptonite, our husbands or wives, our food, or our daily activities, but the days pass and we are back to a state of health. Again, the key is to pay attention and to feel and acknowledge what feeds us and what brings us down and to be willing to have the strength to let something go that is truly toxic for us.

While I'm writing this, I also realize that relationships can change over time, especially relationships with people because we are all dynamic energy that is constantly growing. What was once great and powerful can sometimes turn to Kryptonite over time. That can be tricky for all of us to acknowledge. Be willing to see and feel and know what feeds you and drains you and be willing to recognize a change of dynamic over time and you will be strong and healthy throughout your life.

Many Blessings, Liz

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