Monday, November 22, 2010


This is probably my favorite holiday and one that I live by day to day. Giving thanks is the cornerstone to life and is a deep part of being divine in this world as a human. When we forget to be grateful, life becomes tedious and mundane. When we open our minds and our hearts to gratitude for what we have before us, the world opens up and becomes inspiring and limitless.

Right now, I am looking out my window at the gorgeous New Mexico sky and watching the clouds roll by as a storm is blowing through. There is an intense wind blowing the fall leaves off a tree. The air is crisp and clear and my heart feels full. There is deep gratitude in my heart for the forces of nature and the beauty that those forces bring. My body feels strong and I am grateful for my health and the state of peace that I feel.

Why am I talking about all of this? I am trying to convey that we experience gratitude without being conscious of that experience all the time. We don't have to be consciously grateful to be experiencing deep satisfaction with the life that we are in, but when we consciously give thanks in our mind and in our hearts, our energy lifts. Just writing what I was grateful for in this moment helped to lift my spirit and helped me to feel more open and more willing to let in more goodness and more divine experiences.

Practicing conscious thanks giving can inspire our lives and inspire the lives of those around us. When we are thanked by those around us for our strengths, we are filled with energy and we are inspired to  practice our strengths even more. When we thank people around us for their strengths, we inspire them to pass those strengths on and we feel full from giving support and love to someone in our lives.

So, our practice is to give thanks daily for what we are experiencing. Even consciously giving thanks for simple things can lift our spirits and open our hearts to more and more experiences to be grateful for in our lives. When you feel down and low, look and see if you have given yourself a conscious dose of gratitude that day. If you haven't, pick some aspects of your life that are easy to be grateful for. If all you can see to be grateful for is the sky above you and the ground below your feet, start with gratitude for that and let the rest open up around you.

We open our hearts to the divine truth of our being when we let ourselves experience gratitude and when we share that gratitude with the world through conscious experience and expression. The heaviness of the world lifts and we can feel divine purpose and divine plan. We start to focus on all the goodness that exists in our lives and let go of our focus on what we don't have. Life becomes expansive. Go out there and experience and express gratitude. I am deeply grateful for all that you are and all that you are not. Even if I have never met you, I know that you are a part of the divine balance in this life that I lead. Let others be grateful for you as well.

Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving, Liz

Monday, November 15, 2010


I woke up thinking about Kryptonite this morning from the Superman movies and comics. It is the only substance that weakens Superman's powers and can kill him. Why, you might ask am I bringing this up? Well, I was realizing that we all have forms of Kryptonite in our lives. Unlike Superman (who is super-human after all) we mere mortals have more than one form of Kryptonite that weaken our energy and hold us back from our true nature and strength. Each of us have our own unique forms of Kryptonite and when we identify what weakens us, we can grow stronger and healthier.

We all have Kryptonic (I realize that is not a word, but it is now. :)) relationships. Some of those relationships are with people, some of the relationships are within ourselves, some are with food, some with activities or addictions. The key is to find what is unhealthy and either change the dynamic we have with the relationship or get rid of it all together.

I recently had a date with a guy who had all the right elements and interests and "should" have been a perfect match for me. When I got home that night, I felt drained beyond reason and felt that way for a few days afterward. He was Kryptonite for me. Why? On paper he was perfect and he was a really nice guy. Was it past life energy? Was it an imbalance between us? Was he an energy vampire? Does it really matter? I was energetically sick from the interaction. That doesn't mean he was a bad person, it just means his energy was bad for me. Identifying a feeling and a drain of energy is the first step toward choosing healthy, energizing relationships and creating a balanced life. What seems perfect might not be perfect for you. Broccoli might be toxic for you. You might be very happy that broccoli is toxic for you. :) It's up to you to pay attention to what feeds you and to what brings you down.

So, pay attention to your energy. When you enter into a relationship with someone or something, does it make you feel neutral, does it lift your spirits, or does it bring you down? If it brings you down, is there something that needs to be said or done that can open the relationship to health? Ask for divine support to feel or know if there is an action that can create health.

If the "Kryptonic" relationship in question is with a person, talk more openly, express more freely and see if the relationship is restored. If it isn't, be willing to either leave the relationship or change the dynamic. If the "Kryptonic" relationship in question is with a food that doesn't sit well with you, look at what you ate it with and try a different combination next time. Look at the time of day you ate it, pay attention and change the dynamic and if it still doesn't sit well, either take the food out of your diet or lessen your intake of it. If the "Kryptonic" relationship is with an activity that is necessary like cleaning, look at how to approach it differently and make it more fun.

There are most likely few truly "Kryptonic" relationships in our lives, meaning things that truly will drain us to the point of death like poor Superman; things that no matter what we change still make us sick. True Kyptonite is more evident immediately and we feel it in the depths of our soul. Some of us might have days where our children feel like Kryptonite, our husbands or wives, our food, or our daily activities, but the days pass and we are back to a state of health. Again, the key is to pay attention and to feel and acknowledge what feeds us and what brings us down and to be willing to have the strength to let something go that is truly toxic for us.

While I'm writing this, I also realize that relationships can change over time, especially relationships with people because we are all dynamic energy that is constantly growing. What was once great and powerful can sometimes turn to Kryptonite over time. That can be tricky for all of us to acknowledge. Be willing to see and feel and know what feeds you and drains you and be willing to recognize a change of dynamic over time and you will be strong and healthy throughout your life.

Many Blessings, Liz

Monday, November 8, 2010


We all have moments in our lives when we feel like we are juggling too many things. Whether it be too many thoughts, too many activities, or too many emotions, most of us are juggling all the time. This is also true of the divine. As we grow and shift, the divine works with our growth to find the best possible energy that serves us in the moment we are in. Are we meant to be challenged in the moment so that we can have some form of breakthrough? Are we meant to be nurtured so that we can heal? Are we meant to have nothing going on so that we can have a breather? Our divinity within us and around us is constantly adjusting to find balance that is most perfect for our growth. Unlike us, the divine is an expert juggler that feels no stress and no judgement if another ball is thrown in or thrown out of our lives.

How can we work best with our divinity so that we are juggling together in perfect harmony? Most of you already have answered this if you have worked with me before. Sit and connect with the divinity within you and around you. Give your being time to catch up with itself every day. Give a few minutes of time to your connection to the divine life force that is working within you and around you to create positive growth and inspiration in your life. This will not only help the divine juggling to feel more gentle and smooth, but it will also help you to consciously work as a team with the divine. You will be able to prioritize in your heart and mind so that your personal juggling is more smooth.

When we sit with the divine and let ourselves catch up with the moment we are living in, we let go of resistance to living the life we are living. The less we resist what we have in front of us in our lives and the more we accept who we are and where we are, the fewer balls we will drop and the more fun we will have juggling all the aspects of our lives.

So, sit with the divine light that is your truth. Ask to be inspired in every action that you take on this earth. Surrender to the divine assistance that is always there for us to feel and know. Then, get out there and juggle with a wide open heart and mind.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Day of the Dead

Today is a day to honor those who have passed to spirit. The veils between the worlds are thinner and we can connect and communicate with our divine friends and loved ones more clearly today. It is good to spend time with those that have passed, honoring in our minds and hearts who they were when they were here on earth, and honoring who they are in spirit.

I spent some time yesterday honoring a friend who passed on October 31st a few years ago. His name was Evan and he was an amazing person here when he was in his body. He was very sensitive to life and very troubled in his mind. He had an engaging smile and a unique perspective on life. He explored all kinds of alternative healing and all kinds of ways to heal his mind, but he wound up taking his life on October 31st, 2004.

Since Evan died, I have connected with his energy quite a bit. He has found peace in spirit and is now an amazing angel/guide.  When I connect with him, I see who he was here on earth, and then also see what I would call his light body. His energy is powerfully clear and open and expansive. He has released all that he was healing on this planet and now is assisting in the healing and transformation that the world is going through.

I tell this story to demonstrate that when we connect with the spirit and soul of someone, it's important to realize that they are in a new and divine place. The essence of who they were here on earth is there, but they have continued to grow and learn and expand. If they were unhappy in life, they might have learned and shifted and grown past that unhappiness and found divine peace and joy.

Send love and peace to the spirit of those that have passed. Ask for any divine message they might want you to hear or feel. Be open. You may feel peace and joy or you may get a message of love. You may not quite be ready to feel or hear anything, but just giving a moment of time can help you be ready the next time you connect. If, in anyway you feel disturbance when you try to connect, ask for angels and divine light to surround you and the soul that you are connecting with so that you both can find peace. The disturbance could be your own process of healing grief, or it could be the soul that you are connecting with trying to open to the light. Either way, the divine will take care of both of you in your healing.

Many Blessings to you all on this sacred and divine day,
