It is easy to feel helpless when a disaster strikes. I am thinking of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico right now, but there are so many disasters that occur across the planet, within our own lives, and within the lives of our friends and family. How can we support the situation if we can't physically be there to help?
I will use the Gulf of Mexico as an example, but you could use this prayer and meditation for anything from a personal "disaster" to a global one. (I put the word disaster in quotes, because ultimately everything has a divine purpose. We learn from deep challenges, but there are definitely things in life that feel like disasters at the time.)
Visualize the Gulf of Mexico in the healthiest possible state. Clear water, healthy fish and animals, clean air, and perfect balance. Ask for divine light to surround the area and to divinely inspire everyone who is working with the issue to find solutions that are easy and gentle on the environment and on every living thing. Imagine a legion of angels embracing the situation as a whole and know that the divine is infinitely intelligent and can heal all that is out of balance. A simple prayer that you could say throughout the day when you think of the Gulf would be, "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, please surround the Gulf of Mexico in divine light and healing and help it to find deep and divine health and balance."
We can be of amazing assistance if we hold all that is out of balance in balance in our minds and in our hearts. Focusing on a positive outcome helps us support the earth and everyone around us.
Many blessings, Liz
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