Thursday, March 11, 2010

Death and New Beginnings

My dog Gracie is now 14 and she is slowing down. I can feel in her a preparation to move into spirit, and she has had some episodes lately than confirm that. It is a sad time because I will miss her body and her grace- she was named appropriately- but it is also a fascinating time. I can feel that her spirit is less attached to her body and therefore I can connect with her in a way that is very comforting and very strong. Since her body is slowly shutting down, her spirit is slowly moving out of her body, and I can tangibly feel the process. She has been a great teacher for me along the way in her life, but affirming for me once again that there is so much more to us than our bodies is a precious gift. She and I are in an ending of our lives together in this form, but it is truly a new beginning for us to connect in an even deeper way than we have with her here in her beautiful body.

I know that all of you have experienced pets or humans that you have lost. We can all connect anytime with those who have passed. Some of those connections are stronger than others; some souls have a lot to process when they die and it's hard to feel their presence, some are more tangibly present with us. All we need to do to connect is to send them light and love and to realize that they are now in a new form, a larger more divine and free form. We don't want to hold them to the form that they had when they were here, but we can still connect with the divine essence of who they are.

"Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me to connect with the essence of my friend who has passed. Please send light and love to them in their process and their movement into spirit. Whatever is the most divine connection with this soul, I ask to open to that connection. I honor the place that my friend had in my life and the place that they have in my heart and I set them free to fly with the angels. If they can connect with me in a healthy way for me and for them, I ask to feel and experience and know that connection. In deep gratitude, I honor this space of connection, and so it is, amen."

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