Friday, February 5, 2010

The Volcano

The Wednesday night group ( had some interference again and when we looked into why we discovered that there is a grand energy of transformation going on on the planet right now. This transformation is deeply cleansing and it is an intense healing, not a gentle one. I would compare it to a volcano erupting within each of us. All of us are healing at a deep level, body, mind, heart and spirit. When a energetic volcano erupts, there is a healing ash that comes out of our energy field and if we are all healing at the some time with the same amount of intensity then the world feels a little "ashy". Make sure you cleanse and clear throughout the day so that you don't get bogged down by this energy.

The good news is that this "volcanic" time is a powerful time for us all to reflect on what we most want to release. Do you want to heal feeling of a lack of abundance? Do you want to deepen a state of love and joy and transform what stands in your way of your divine truth? Do you want to heal your body? Now is the time to throw anything you want to heal into the fire and let it transform. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are healing core belief systems and so is everyone around you. The more conscious you are of intentionally healing, the better you will feel in this moment. Be gentle with yourself, and be patient with your loved ones. We are all in this together.

Here's a prayer... "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me to heal and transform at the core of my being anything that stands in my way of feeling, experiencing, and knowing my divinity. I am divine abundance, divine love, divine joy, divine power, divine passion, divine peace, divine bliss. I ask for a cleansing and clearing, body, mind, heart, and spirit, as I heal so that I can feel clear and centered and grounded as this transformation happens. I ask for a waterfall of light to pour through me and to clean out my energy and the energy that surrounds me. I send light to the world and gratitude for this healing, and so it is, Amen."

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