Thursday, September 24, 2009

When it all goes "wrong"...

(A funny thing happened while posting this... The whole blog disappeared, completely unposted... A joke from the divine to show that this mercury retrograde deal continues. Thank goodness I had already copied what I wrote! :))

I have been having a mercury retrograde festival of meltdowns, where everything that is potentially challenging moves from potentially to actually challenging. (Basically whatever could go wrong is going wrong.) Now, how do I turn it all around in my mind and heart and look at it as all divine? Ahh, the eternal question. Here's what I do...

I stop and I sit and I listen to the lessons... One of the multiple things that has "gone wrong" in my life right now is a roof that is leaking. So here I am sitting with you listening to the divine energy around why my roof is leaking. I am getting a funny message around that. First I get that it's old and it needs fixing and that houses just need repair. A simple and yet very practical answer. Now I ask, is there anything deeper that I need to learn from my roof leaking? I get a two-fold answer. One is that I need to trust that money and time will always be there for me and I need to learn that lesson in a big way. (This means to me that the price tag on my roof leak might be big and take some time to fix, but that I will create the money easily and the time will be well spent.) Another is that I am a part of a bigger picture and that I need to participate in the flow of cash. What I give out will come back to me, but I need to give out right now.

So the big thing "when it all goes wrong" is to remember to stop and listen and hear the lessons that we need to learn from whatever it is that is going wrong. Going wrong is always divine even if it's hard to get in touch with the divinity. I know a roof leak is small compared to health problems and world hunger, but the basic stop and listen still works for the harder stuff.

The final step is to pray. "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit I open to the divine lesson and the divine plan that is challenging to see at the moment. I ask for help and assistance in healing whatever stands in my way of feeling peace and joy with the situation that is going on in my life. I open to learn my lessons in a gentle and fluid way. Thank you God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, Amen."

Monday, September 14, 2009


I am convinced that it is not innate for us humans to have patience. Even the more evolved souls have to practice patience, which the "practice" part of that equation means to me that it is not natural for us. I am sure there will be a lot of people who argue me on this point, and I would love to hear the arguments and experiences.

I just got through a rather intense mercury retrograde experience with travelling where pretty much anything that could be delayed or challenging was delayed or challenged. I am writing this on a total of three hours sleep, and I love to sleep. I mean, really, I love my sleep. :)

So, in this travel experience, I practiced patience and won. My friend and I actually had an adventure and laughed through the unhappy people and the multiple mishaps. It was fun, but it definitely was "practice." I had to keep my mind focused on allowing life to unfold and allowing the challenges to either melt away or to teach me patience in a deep way.

For those of you who have a challenge with patience, which I am going to assume is most, if not all of you, let's do a prayer. "Dear God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, help me open to a full and deep experience of patience. Help me to release any discord that is going on in my body, mind, heart or spirit so that I can feel at peace and feel in balance. As I feel balance and peace, my patience for life deepens. Help me to know a sense of gratitude for every step that I take on this earth. As I feel gratitude, my patience deepens and I know that every step that I take on this earth is divine. Thank you God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, Amen."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mercury Retrograde- Help! :)

For those of you who follow astrology as well as for those of you that don't, mercury is on its way into retrograde as of tomorrow. Whoo hoo! :) What does this mean for all of us. For the little I know, because I am no astrologer, it means we all need to have a lot of patience. Mercury is the planet that controls communications and electronics and travel and when a planet goes into retorgrade it means that everything in it's domain moves backwards in some way in our lives. Personally, for me it usually means clients show up on the wrong day, my computer acts a bit "wiggy", and I have a few challenging conversations with friends or family where I wonder if they are really hearing and understanding me and where they wonder if I am really hearing or understanding them. For those of you who don't believe in astrology, I would bet you $50 that you could guess when mercury was in retograde in your lives. I won't place the bet, however, because nay sayers love to remain nay sayers, in my experience.

Anyway, hang in there everyone. We are about to enter into another Mercury Retrograde, starting the 7th of September and lasting to the end of the month. Have patience if things in your life don't work perfectly and try to laugh through this. If laughing doesn't work for you and if your patience is running thin, I suggest this simple prayer. "Dear God, help!" It is a simple and effective way of manuvering through life's craziness. Good luck, and I would love to hear your stories so we can laugh through this together.